The master says … (updated)


[Confucius says: A gentleman reads these interesting responses by Confucian scholar Daniel A. Bell to my questions about the film ‘Confucius’, up here at the China Beat.]

And while I’m here, a Taiwanese friend who I knew at Peking University – he’s now studying in London – today sent me a link to this recruitment ad for Taiwan’s army. (It’s on YouTube, so those in China will need to ‘climb the wall’.) It seems that America’s arms sales to Taiwan will include a regiment of Transformers fresh out of Hollywood barracks. My friend prefaced the link with this succinct analysis:

We are good at computer science right now, but we lost China 60 years ago.

Final item of interest: your humble blogger is flying home tomorrow, to pass spring festival in England’s green and pleasant lands. I’ll be posting only sporadically from there, until I’m back in Beijing in March, when I will get back into the rhythm.

Update: A gentleman also reads my comments on top tier higher education in China here on China Geeks. Charlie, China Geek of the moment, writes on the Chinese education system, and how it doesn’t encourage enough critical thinking and creativity.


  1. Alec,

    I noticed the post at China Beat and just wanted to tip my hat your way. Nice going! I passed it on.

    Look forward to seeing you back in the mix in March.


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