
The occasional snap

Street fight

Here’s a shot of a street fight I witnessed by Jishuitan subway. Guilty as charged: I was in the circle which inevitably forms around such fights, secretly hoping things escalate so we can get our cheap gladiator thrills.

The fight simmered more than sizzled, with a lot of writhing on both men’s part to get past those trying to hold them apart – and the occasional blow thrown when they succeeded. The whole business went on for thirty odd minutes after I arrived until the police took both away: no-one seemed to have any clue what the grievance was.

The fighters are, in the foreground clump of heads, far left (obviously) and fourth from left.

Who said my man-purse was effeminate?

'Who said my man-purse was effeminate?'

Beijing at play

To offer a sister to my previous black-and-white pair of pics, Beijing at work, here are two snaps of Beijing residents in more playful settings..

Laobaixing exercise and relax in an activity park by the side of Beihai, not far from the Drum and Bell towers

Laobaixing exercise and relax in an activity park by the side of Beihai.

A visitor to the 798 art district looks at his photos, while a crushed face looks at him.

A visitor to the 798 art district looks at his photos, while a crushed face looks at him.

Beijing at work

To continue in a photographic vein, here are two pictures I took recently of Beijing workers. This coming week (like the last) I will be a study hermit, with little time for blogging…

Workers in Ritan Park. What kind of work they were doing precisely, I couldnt fathom. They were cutting the grass with miniature sycthes: possibly picking flowers? Or their boss is simply too cheap to spring for a lawnmower.

Workers in Ritan Park. I couldn't fathom what kind of work they were doing precisely. Cutting the grass with miniature sycthes: possibly picking flowers? Either that, or their boss is simply too cheap to spring for a lawnmower.

Construction workers eating baozi in the early morning.

Construction workers eating baozi and soup in the early morning.

Update: I’ve since asked a Chinese friend about the first pic. They were most likely planting fresh seed. And weeding while they went along. Seems obvious now.

Just kidding

Not really. Just a rather late upload of a photo I took from my flat of fireworks over the bird’s nest at the Paralympics closing ceremony.

But I live in hope that I had some of you for a moment there.

High fliers

I couldn’t resist posting this photo I took at the closing ceremony of the Olympics on Sunday night (nor could I resist playing with my new wide-angle lens) :

Whoever called China the worlds new high fliers?

Whoever called China the world's new high fliers?

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